Prišli su nesrećnom psu da ga spasu, njegova reakcija će vam naterati suze na oči! (VIDEO)
Ovako im je pokazao koliko je srećan što vidi svoje spasitelje.
Organizacija za pomoć životinjama iz Indije je još jednom pokazala svoju humanost na delu.
Oni su naišli na jednu izmučenu i vidno mršavu i gladnu ženku, naravno odmah joj pritekli u pomoć. Čim ih je ugledao, iako u tako lošem stanju, pas je odmah počeo da maše repom od sreće. Tačno je osetio da su došli da ga spasu i da če njegovim mukama ubrzo doći kraj.
Iako je bilo potrebno neko vreme, oporavak nije izostao. Pogledajte potresnu priču ovog psića.
Watch this dying puppy's incredible reaction when she sees her...The expression “my cup runneth over” could be the anthem for those lucky enough to see that animals are angels. Each new weary little traveler who calls out to us brings to us the sweetest message—“I’m here. I am ME. I want to live,” and if he or she is suffering our hearts open with a flood of compassion. For all of us who love animals, there is always room for one more. And one more. The angel in this video came back from the brink because when she called out for help and love and she received it. All because the help from your loving donations made it possible to fuel the Animal Aid ambulance that carried her to safety, to give her medical treatments, to provide food and the caregivers who lovingly served it, the bathers, and the tremendous force of the people who surrounded her and said “Yes little one, we’re here. We love you.” And she heard your voice too. Share this video to spread her incredible message of love. by Animal Aid Unlimited on jueves, 31 de diciembre de 2015